
Friday, November 11, 2016

How to change our negative thoughts in a minute ?

Do you know how to remove permanently our negative thoughts from us ?

You know that negative thoughts dangerous dragon in  our life. So lets discuss, how to overcome this kind of thoughts in a minute.

We could follow two process for the same.

Lets see first one,Myths say that thoughts produces emotions and emotions produces our behavior.

But, Scientifically we can say that Behavior gives emotions  and emotions gives thoughts.

Here if you are having good behavior in day to day life .... then you would get good emotions

If you are having good emotions in your life , then those emotions will generate good thoughts.

Instead of thinking to change the thoughts, we must change our behaviors to produce good emotion which gives outcome as good thoughts.

Now second one, we people would get negative thoughts only when we are thinking anything at idle time or sitting without any task and commitment or staying lonely.

To avoid this things, people must engaged their time with busy or something useful for their future or culture or world nature.

Steps to avoid negative thoughts :

1. Should produce good behaviors always

2. Keep our time as busy to avoid unwanted thoughts.


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